Sunday Blues?

Heya ;
blogging during work again.
Sunday is the most slack and most sian day.
Shouldnt i be happy?
But ; i feel so retarded sitting at my desk and waiting for calls.
Until now ; from 11.30am till now ;
i only handled 25 calls.
That is pathetic... lol.

Is not that i dun wan pick up ;
but the prob is that not many calls are coming in.
And most of the calls are mobile calls when i am from the cable tv and maxonline department.
When customers feel disappointed that we cant help them at all
and the only thing we can do is just to get them leave their contact number and call them back ;
they will tend to start yelling at the top of their voice like as if the sky is falling.

I am feeling so sleepy now. *Yawn*
I want to go back home! lol.

Alright ;
nth much le ,
going back to work.

To all dudes and babes ;
If u own a blog , do leave your link at the tagboard.
I will link u up ((:


I know i love you.
I know my heart is unstable.
I know i have hurt you.
Dun go away ,
cos u know i need you.


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