Part time job ; Deal or No deal?

Heya , i am back to my precious blog. lol.
that sounds gay.

anw , i am rather happy today ((:
Other than my NICE NICE new blog skin , which i am still so excited about. lmao.
Another thing is that... I am offered a part time job at starhub after my contract ends on 12th october.
Only 5 pple are selected for this offer among the 28 pple who are working currently.
Got me , jeanette , boss , constance , cheryl.
I think i am just lucky. haha. cos i only passed my call stats once with a 9.6 calls per hour rate.

This part time job , i have to commit for at least 22 hours per week.
Though it isnt that much compared to 42.5hrs that i am currently working now ,
but.. thinking of it , when sch reopens , 22 hrs is quite alot.
Cos tuesday , i have piano practical.
Wednesday , i have piano theory.
Thursday , i have squash training.
So i am left with mon , fri , sat and sun.
And cancelling out the days that i have to be free for projects or wad..
I guess it will be very difficult for me to cope.

But oh well , blame it on my character.
When i face challenges or obstacles ,
I will never give up unless i gave it a try.

I already gave my words to my team lead , sandy , that i will take up this offer.
So i am giving it my all.
And if things doesnt go well ,
then i will raise white flag lo.

At approximately 8.30pm ,
I got a call from a company called BE private limited.
Its a company that offers marketing job to students like us.
Where staffs assist the manager in the marketing assignment.
Its very flexible and free lance ,and able to earn $800 to $1200 per month.
They called me and told me i am selected for this marketing job and ask me if i am interested.
I am very very troubled.
Cos i was thinking.. marketing.. erm.. this job will definitely help me in my business path.
But on the otherhand , i am currently working for starhub customer service line which will also help me in my business path as customer relationship is one of the option that i can choose in year 2. Furthermore , i have already take up the part time job offer.

I dunno which one i should choose?
Cos it maybe a big changing point in my life. who knows?
The marketing company maybe the correct path that god wants me to take.
The customer service line may also be the correct path that god wants me to take.
But which one is the true one?
I stil remember , my sec sch social studies spiritual teacher once told us ,
the right people will enter our life to help us.
But are u ready for it?
I have never thot of this question again since the last time she said , until now...

I am very puzzled.. tsk tsk.
Hint me please , give me some guidance.

to be continued...


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