Happy Birthday Nikki and Grig!

I am back from work.
My third post for today..
Before i start my journal for today ,
i will like to wish both nikki and greg a happy bday.


haha jus nice their birthday falls on the same day.
Nikki , i know her for like around 9 months liao and she is a impt person to me.
whereas grig , he is a hong kee guy with a very ang moh voice.
I am his mentor. But he taught me how to use SAM broadcaster. lol.

Alright , lets get started..
Okay.. i was late for work today..
i woke up at 10.40am where i am supposed to be waking up at 9.30am
And i was late for 40 mins.
Because of this 40 mins , i have lost 19 dollars la.. basket.
10 dollars for shift allowance , and 9 dollars for the pay.
gosh.. 40 mins cost me 19 dollars.
Oh well ,
I will earn it back tml =X
with a 2x pay tml!
earning 18 per hour tml, wahahaha.
so total 163 for tml XDD
But , i have to sacrifice my off day la..

sorry nikki.
for wishing u happy bday late. =X
I thought it was on sunday.
But i just found out its today.

And anyway , talking about basket..
I had a customer calling in , scolding me basket for more than 20 times for the bill cycle thing.
At that time , i had an urge to scold back la.
But.. if i do that , i guess i will be packing my things at my desk tml. lol
So i " ren "
bai ren cheng jin.
100 bear become gold. LOL.
it should be bear 100 times become gold.
nvm.. both sounds wrong to me.

Okay , i promise , i will be early tml.
no more late liao. dam sian sia.
Never early before for this week except once that i on the spot reach.

Okay, time to have my video marathon.
I will be back!


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