Stay please.

I guess i am too stressed up with this job.
I cant even do my opening speech properly for most of my calls today.

Especially my name..
I dunno why.
Whenever i wan to pronounce my name ,
I will be like air-airr-airrr-alex.

Somemore i am still having a dry throat which i suppose its sore throat?
Alex will want to get well soon ((:


I cant bear to give you up.

I know u have given up.
I know u have made up your mind long ago.
I know u are serious this time.
I know i need you alot.

I dont want to be selfish.
Lets just keep this relationship at the deepest spot in our heart.

Thank you for everything you have did for me.
I wont forget you and the history we made together.
Its all up to fate.


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