
Showing posts from April, 2013


Gotta brave through it For the next 1 and half month, i have to up my patience bar and calmly wait for results from universities on my application. Its equivalent The feeling gets worse when people around you pull up a fish before you. But all I need is to remain calm and the end product will be the same. Its patience this month here.


Its great to be given a full week rest at home but it was awful to stay awake during my nose operation last friday. Anw that isnt the main topic for this post. Pondering some thoughts on how different people look at different things, perspective. Have we thought of why are we doing this than that? And the rationale behind on why are we doing it? For eg. "Why do people go to the gym?" The most common answer would be I do not want to be fat. However it could have been phrased to.. "I want to look good" The "want to" and "do not want to" can tell the motivation behind each thing whether if it is a positive or negative motivational energy. A motivational energy full with hope or anger? Another self realization thought while making my number #100+ attempt on trying to slim my body.


Read this online. Shocked at how true it describes me. 【射手座】 射手座對最親最愛的人容易暴走脾氣,特別不好;對外人從 來和善,常被說人好;貌似對話過程中不知不覺就會強加灌 輸自己的想法給別人;射手座愛睡覺,常常遲到、健忘,對 大多數人和事不上心,無視“路人”,不在意周圍;射手座 忽冷忽熱會有冷淡期,讓朋友有些受不了。 射手,好朋友很多,桃花運很好…可是真正脆弱的時候卻喜 歡躲著自己療傷,痛了傷了卻也笑著說無所謂…可以很灑脫 很隨意,卻又固執地在乎一些事情…看透很多事,卻喜歡裝 傻…可以和任何人玩曖昧,卻等待著真正了解自己,能夠依 靠的人…射手很簡單也很聰明,很吵鬧也很安靜,不孤獨卻 也最孤獨。 射手座的人天性樂觀、熱情如火,總是有用不完的精力,讓 人覺得好像同時有好多分身一樣,充滿活力的笑臉以及靈活 的雙眼,正是射手座最大的魅力,不過有活力可不見得要剪 個男生頭,像野孩子一樣,但射手也不適合披頭散發,綁個 辮子或是紮起長長的馬尾。 射手性格活潑開朗,愛自由,有夢醒的星座,最害怕嘮叨, 是一個絕對要擁有自己的個人空間的星座。 射手屬於一個很有正義感,對周圍的不公會抱有不忿的心, 是個愛好和平的人。不過射手是個比較隨意,很不修邊幅, 做起事來就一定會丟三漏四的。有點懵懂,有點庸碌,所以 很難看到射手認真有魅力的一面。 Other horoscopes @