
OOT (Out of Training), which means no more further training at tekong, a dream that many soldier recruits would love to have. But for me, I am going through a mixed feeling. Once again, confused. Memories started to inundate through my mind on my first day when I stepped onto the sacred land of Tekong. What happened to me was I made a decision to consult the doctor after being down for sometime due to flu, cough and sorethroat which made me unable to give my 100% for training. I decided to look for treatment.

Until when I stepped into the doctor's room, after mentioning the above symptoms. I decided to check my knee which have been a pain for me for the past 4 years that had more than 10 episodes of dislocation with the doctor. I had an x-ray and advised that my knee cap is higher up and referred to me a sports med at CGH, changi general hospital.

At CGH, doctor did several check and I was later given a thorough check on my knee with the ultrasound device (a similar one that doctor use to diagnose pregnant ladies to see the baby on the screen) With the X-Ray, the specialist diagnosed that I have 2 issues.

1) Recurrent dislocation
2) Patallex muscle (Knee ligament torn)

I will be going back for 3 appointments - 1 physiotherapy, 1 MRI, 1 Medical Review. Till now, I am staying optimistic, agreeing with my body to let myself heal from this injury which I always wanted to since my 1st dislocation when I was 16.

I actually asked myself before, what if I am given the signal to get out of course, how would I react? And the it actually happened.


My option of signing on to the airforce as a remote control pilot can now be abolished due to my knee. However, it is just temporary till I get my knee fix well and I can start to do all my favourite sports without a worry on the back of my head. My ambition in army to get into Officer Cadet School can now be abolished due to my downgrading of pes. But thinking of it, becoming an officer is a pride. A 1 year temporary pride however such injury can be life long lethal.

After weighing all the odds, how much i may miss the chance to become a remote control pilot or enjoying the honour of being an officer. I realised I already made a decision when I said, "doctor, I would like to do a check with you on my knee." Hence, I will let it heal comfortably without worries. I needed this treatment, its already pretty late since the 1st dislocation, hope its not too late yet.

As of now, I am awaiting for the SAF medical board to downgrade my PES status and adhere for further instructions for my next vocation in this army experience. 我相信上天自有安排。


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