
Showing posts from July, 2011

没有巧事, 哪来的巧字. 那我们在这本已写好的故事究竟会是如何? 我们又在第几页了呢?

Music is memories best revision

Life, it is just like a temp job. Life is just a span, very temporary. We're all in queue to the end. Some people goes after the fame and money, and some for love. Whatever you have chosen, cherish what you have and dedicate your time to those that truly loves you. Music is memories best revision.


Its july already. 7 months has passed and i achieved typically nothing. Where was my goal and dream? I wanted a scuba diving cert, where is it? I wanted to get a driving licence, where is it? I wanted to shape up, where is it? I needed braces, its not in my mouth. I am left with 2 weeks @ Search Network. I wouldnt say it was a waste of time, at least I made a few friends, learnt a few lessons, understood more on the employment market, seen different types of ugly people. After this, I am left with mere 1 month before I get enlisted into the army. Not much time really, not much time. Some thoughts on a peaceful sunday morning.


So much beauty, within our world. It makes me tear up, i love nature so much. I would give up everything, that was manmade. If people back then, lived without this kind of stuff. Then we could too. In my opinion. If only our heart is as big as the earth, it would be beautiful. Too focus sometimes on work, on studies, and on love. we forgot to appreciate these nature around us. It just tells how ignorant i have been.

Part and Parcel

These 3 days hasn't been that smooth in work. Or maybe 2 and a half days. The 2nd half of today was a happy one with smurf :) So much of lalalalalalalala~~ When I am sick, I cant stay at home. I need to get out, get some sunshine and laughter. Then i will get better. This was what topher taught me, miss him so much. Its July, nearly a year to september. Those memories in korea was a beautiful dream.

默契 :)

我没有这样思念过一个人. 已经习惯你的声音, 你的笑声和你的存在. 每天早上都希望看到的第一个人是你. 但今天发现看到的却只是张...空椅子. Hais...也许我也太小男孩气了吧. 这个世界没有绝对和永远的事, 但我会握住这些温暖的回忆.