Official launch of VTV!

YES! Its the Official launch of VTV today!
VTV = Vannathirai TV.
From the name , u can tell its a tamil channel. LOL.
And as expected , there are so many cuties calling in..
and saying..
" Dey , i wann to suscribe to the new channel VTV. can i watch it at 12am? "

I am still working today.
If u are wondering when i will get my off.
I have no off days this week. lol.
I sub my off days to OT day.

Anyway , i dun wan to talk much about today.
Its the worst day of all my days at starhub.
The first call was horrid already.
And the curse continued...
Until when sihui msged me at 3pm plus..
and after that , i start to get entertaining and happy calls (:
haha. thanks lots man.

Okay , going out to meet up with shuyu , yi mei and lay kheng later.
Den wo , wo lai le! lol

I will be back ((:


Dun be sad ;
When u are , i will be too.
Look at the brighter side ;
Life is full of hopes & dreams.
Smile ((:


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