17th September 2008 , Wednesday

Okay. I am back.
I so happy okay..
after chionging for 8 days straight , i am all tired out.
Really , these 8 days , i dun have anytime to slow down and breathe in the fresh air.

I am so stressed up with this work , i must be very sure of what i am saying..
if i say the wrong thing , i have to pay the penalty.
Shit sia , like that , i think i will kena one day de la.
Just hope that before that one day comes , the contract is over already. haha.

I feel so restless today , so some calls i dunno even know what i am saying la.
I am sick , tired and sleepy.
But still have to sound enthu when entertaining calls. lol.

I need to have a good rest man.
Going to zw hse tml and sakae in the afternoon ((:

See you tml bro.


I dunno why.. but..
Whenever i am sad ,
the first person i will turn to ,
is always you..


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