16th September 2008 , Tuesday

Just reached home.
As usual , work today from 11.30 to 9.
Not many calls today.
One that made an impact is about a customer calling in to complain about this new bill cycle system which is jus 3 dollars plus for him.
Cos of this , he quarrelled with me for 10 mins and wanna cancel it off.

He want me to cancel yet raise his voice.
What an idiot -_-"
So to make him sound like a loser , i said..
Me : " Sir , so u really want me to waive off this 3 dollars plus? "
Customer : " YES! "
Me : " Just because of this 3 dollars plus , u quarrelled with me and make it such a big matter? "
Customer : " YES! "
Me : 3 dollars plus leh
Customer : " YES! "
Me : Only 3 dollars plus lehh...
Customer : " YESSSS!!~ "

LOL. what a loser.

For my case , its already considered quite good already.

I have other colleagues got into a quarrel with customer just because of 2 cents and argued for 1 hour. WTF la. lol.

But i ended my work with a happy call from a nice lady.
So i am rather happy. hahaXD

If u are wondering how much i scored for my results for my 1st ever semester in poly ,
i checked my result at 9am in the morning today.
The first thing i saw was 2 As , 3 B+ and 1C.
I was very disappointed.
But when i look at the gpa , its 3.417 , so.. i am kind of in a mixed feelings..

But the expectation i have for myself is very high , i know myself.
Cos every paper that i take , i always go for full marks.

Accounts : C
Microeconomics : A
Stats : B+
POM : B+
Oral communication : A
IT : B+

After looking at the results , i finally understand how important are the normal tests and projects already.
My accounts was having a score of D for the 40%(projects & tests)
so even i chiong for the 60% exam , i wun be able to get an A too.

My stats was quite disappointing cos its my strongest sub.
Cos i was having a score of C+ for my 40% due to my projects & tests.
So even i got an A for my exam , my overall will be pull down too.

My POM was more disappointing.
I scored well for my project but for tests , i only got B.
So i guess i didnt really put in much effort for my exam which only stay at a B+.

My IT was kind of expected.
Cos i failed one of the test. lol. but got back with a good score for my 30% project.

Frankly speaking , i was expecting an A for my oral comm. lol =X
But was shocked to see my econs with an A cos i didnt do well for my tests but stil can get an overall A. so i guess the exam did helped me alot ((:

Though i got not a bad score of 3.4 ,
but i know i can definitely do better.
I will be working much harder next sem ,
And go for at least a B+ for all my modules and looking for 2 to 3 distinctions.


And my dear bro , zhi wei ,
i feel like smacking you. lol.
he got a gpa of 3.7
1 DISTINCTION , 3As , 2B+ and 1 B.

fyi , distinction = 90% and above.

I bet he must be traumatised with his o levels results of jus 1 point to get into business course.
thats why he is studying like mad now. lol.

But anw , congrats to u bro. haha.


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