I think i lost something

School ended at 3 today,
due to Christian Chia's extra lesson.

Went for SBM Club interview
with charmaine, iris and hui zin.
The interview was quite relaxing,

3 interviewers,
first when i got in,
they took a pic of me,
then when i smile, they asked " is that the nicest smile u have that can charm all the girls in the world? "

Then when i sat down,
there were 4 small balls on the table,
they asked me to pick one,
so i randomly picked the one furthest from me.

I was bombarded with many many questions,
but i guess i handled them well,
The only regret is just that,
the pic they took wasnt that nice. LOL.

Okay la, all the best for me and char,iris and huizin.

After that, went to listen to NUS business talk with charmaine,
scary seh.
they only recruiting like 200 students out of the 5 polys,
and the cut off point is 3.6,
but come on la 200 students out of more than 2k business students in singapore,
minus 100 of them, who are crazy that have the gpa of 4, left 100 only,
At least need a 3.8 gpa with leadership or good achievement then can get in la.
I will work towards that (:

I think i lost something, someone.


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