
Showing posts from 2012

My special 21st gift for myself.

Turning 21st and received some presents from friends and family. But I also found a gift for myself, an intangible gift. 我其中的观点一直犯了非常大的错误, 终于悟出了这个道理。 那观点就是我们每个人都需要做最真实的自己, 不管别人怎么讲。只要是最真实的自己,我们才会开心,快乐和没有遗憾。我们都不需要因为别人的言语而活。别人都不理解你,凭什么对你指指点点,所以一定要做最真实的自己。但是我现在才发现我犯了一个严重错误的代价,那就是混淆了一个概念。 那就是最真实的自己,不代表是最美好的自己。 All along have been thinking being true to myself is the best way but sometimes it doesn't bring out the best of me instead staying put at where I am. It does not apply largely on me but its a good phrase where made me raised up to another level of understanding in human behaviours. Happy 21st :)

8 Kinds of Friends That you need to have

Some old thoughts just struck through my mind. A book cover that I found interesting but did not went forward to open up the book, it was titled "8 kinds of friends that you need to have" Went on to google it to find exactly what are the 8 types, and was able to fit some of my friends in there. Yet there are vacancies too, seems I am still young. The key thing is you cant have 1-2 person to fill up all of them. 1. Builder “Builders are great motivators, always pushing you toward the finish line. They continually invest in your development and genuinely want you to succeed — even if it means they have to go out on a limb for you” (87). 2. Champion “Champions stand up for you and what you believe in. They are the friends who sing your praises. Every day, this makes a difference in your life. Not only do they praise you in your presence, but a Champion also ‘has your back’ — and will stand up for you when you’re not around” (93). 3. Collaborator “A collabor...

Before he turns 21...

Ticked one the my checkbox in my 2012 goals list today. My life's first marathon run - 16.8km! (Adidas King of the Road) However at my current standard obviously I didnt ran throughout the whole route, it was broken down into 10km non stop run and 6.8km walk. I went with no expectations set upon myself due to the fact I put on some weight and less active in running recently. But hellyea i completed the race by dashing pass the finish line and doing the usain bolt trademark celebration after then lol. It is a remarkable accomplishment. The furthest distance i covered without stopping was 6km and now 10km. Of course the aftermath of the run is horrifying with abrasion all over my body, blister on my leg, sore pain on my feet and heel. But the thought of passing through the finishing line writes off the pain, YEAAAA I FKING DID IT!

Growing Horizontally

Hate to admit this, but its official -  I am in shape, round.  Turned fatter recently due to the slack life in army and laziness of getting up early on weekends to hit the gym/track. Was managing well during my school time cos of squash regular training but all is back to square one now. Looking at the mirror everytime in the bathroom is a torture, the aftermath of fast food with my shirts stretching horizontally outwards is a torture too. As much as I hate to admit, but my process is on the verge of hitting that modern pic above now. Though we all enjoy food but reality is that human race is a 外貌协会 people and judgement are form based on your appearance. Should start to slim down. 


I can do it! I was told by my instructor before,... "To test a person true self, give him power." However that wasn't the case today. No matter how respectful u are towards a person it may just be one side of his character. I respected this person before until today when we had more interaction during games. Made me reflected that power isn't necessary the tool to test someone. With power, some may still put on the acting hat on how a righteous leader should be. Felt I have been seeing things too much on the surface recently. Often we see many things in a narrow perspective and start to quickly 'brand' someone based on that judgement. The branding could be positive or negative. Until real scenarios happen, more interactions then we start to see someone true self. Being the head organiser for a group of 24 soldiers today for a cohesion. Usually we would just head down to the movies or some place that ain't much interactive. Hence I planned out 'Runnin...

Our First Year

 这是我们的纪念日 :) As our relationship slowly take shape and our love grow, we have become 1 year old :) This joyful one year have been filled with many happenings and emotions just like the 4 seasons, but many times blissful. We have matured along the way, coming into 2nd year, we will use this maturity to encounter problems together :) Our day was a bliss, Started off with some surprise to her in the morning with my rare cooking appearing with a 爱心便当 for he work in the day! We headed to Kiseki Restaurant for some fabulous japanese food and gave her my surprise gift too. I made her guess her gift, i gave up after many wrong guesses and changed to playing hangman where she finally got it right :D (Alex 1 - 0 Sheryl) Thank you for your gift too :) August was a bad month as I wasn't with u for 18 days consecutively. It felt like hell, then i realised it doesn't matter what we do together. As long as it consists you, its a bliss :)


Some people take forever to find people on the same page as them who understands each other in a split second, sometimes telepathy even happens when both are thinking the same topic in their mind before uttering it out. What I am trying to say is I have found that person :) No matter joyful, crisis, panicky or fuming moments, I am so glad you are the one beside me understanding my reason behind every emotions. If there is a special gift given by god to everyone like how Yiruma can play such indulging music, then you are my gift from god. I love you and these 2 weeks will pass like a breeze. Before you know it, I will be seeing you with a more manly image :)


" 男人要永远珍惜在你20多岁时,曾经陪伴在你身边的女人,因为2 ­0多岁的男人没钱没事业,而20岁的女人最灿烂,20岁是一个男 ­人最暗淡的时光,要什么没什么,所以请你们一定要珍惜在这个时候 ­爱上你的女孩。因为她是用一生中最美好的时光来陪你度过最暗淡的 ­时光. " 谢谢你 Mame Choo :) 

What my future awaits me

Thank you "Mame Choo" for surprising this cute navy blue kipling monkey and appearing at cck to wait for my tuition to end. I have been admiring this keychain since young and played with it whenever I sees it. I rmb my  pri sch teacher having one :x Giving a serious thought on my future. Looking at myself and questioned where do I see myself at after NS, after a degree. My recent application for 3 Local Unis wasn't  positive. Even if its positive. I ask myself so I will be one of those fresh grad out there looking for an office job of about 2.5k-3k. What would I be doing? Self questioned again - What do I like to do? I like kids, I love teaching, I love talking, I enjoy sharing knowledge with people. So automatically... this popped up: TEACHER? Think of it, why not? But i bet all my friends are doubting me if they see this now. T.T Could be an option, as long as I don't sign on :D


I am LOL-ing at myself being awake at this hour. Ironically, feeling energetic like as if I can do a 2.4km. Looks like I am not allowed to sleep today. Shall have a deep sleep the next day. I dont know what they call this.. insomnia? Feel like giving myself a knockout punch just to go to sleep.

What is your definition of happiness?

Kindness which is supposed to be a true humanitarian characteristic is less seen nowadays. Yet an indian construction worker displayed it. While we were blaming on foreign workers, this kind soul here just gained my respect. Just read an article and it changed my perspective of seeing an intangible heartfelt thing call, happiness. What is happiness? Is it getting thousands-dollar payroll job and fighting in the workforce with our competitive nature for promotion to earn as much money as we can? Can money really measure happiness? It seems to be what is happening in this world now. 做人随和,才会开心。This was what I heard before from a 50+ year old boss of mine. Sometimes we fight for our greedy ambition but forgot the true definition of happiness. Here is the article link:

就这样,Another Departure...

 Its not easy to say goodbye when you been through some fun together with someone. For the past 48 hours, a korean friend, Young Kim was with me in Singapore. We did some stupid stuffs and some awesome stuffs, these shall remain memories in my mind. On another point, for the past 48 hours - I had my driving test and was put through to an emotional test with angriness, sadness, and happiness. It wasn't easy...

This & That

Flip back some old posts, found this inspirational quote i once wrote: "Always question myself why am i doing this and not that." If i should be doing that thing and not this, i got to reflect well. I should have did that 6km run in camp today. Getting oversized...ZZZZ

Looking back what I have done

Heard that one of my ex staff is trying to rebuild one of my childhood memories - Habbosoup. SO... out of curiosity, went to search my past radio DJ name + habbosoup on google. What I have realised was I actually created some impact on those listeners' life - in the events i organised, radio shows I hosted and the words I once said during those sessions. They were all written on their blog. Brings me back some memories and felt proud as I did made an impact in people's life before. Its just a sweet feeling :) Really grateful I was part of the HS Community.

Twist of Fate

Sometimes life test us, Sometimes these tests are for us to have some memories when we look back on our journey. Be it good or bad, as long as it consists you, I will walk on with you :) Life gave me a slight push yesterday, or perhaps a little too much I can handle. The moments are still vividly in my mind on what happened yesterday night. I couldn't balance myself while doing a piggyback, I fell with panic and bite my tongue. Landed the fall with my face, with part of my tongue was bitten off. After the land, I rolled to my right with my face touching the ground. Then came a panic stricken yell from sheryl asking if I am alright. She flipped me back and found I was bleeding in my mouth, my upper front teeth got a hit too. Then I gained consciousness, with her touching my pockets in the search of tissue. Found it and cleaned myself on the face. At that moment, my whole mouth was numb. I felt something amiss, I went into my mouth and grab that loosen part bit of my tongue and ask...

Ping Pong Competition!

输赢也许重要, 但更重要的是我是否克服了心中的恐惧, 战略了自己。 我今天做到了。:) Today was a special day, my first table tennis competition ever since one that I couldn't remember back in primary school. The atmosphere has brought back those past competitions feelings back to me be it squash and table tennis. Unfortunately I only made it to the Final 8, quarter finals where I lost to fear and composure. I was indecisive, wrong way of playing and didn't adhere to my coach's advice. Until the last set where I was forced to think deep on what my coach told me and taught me. It worked for me but it was all little too late. I wouldn't call this a setback. As I haven't receive professional training for really long, and making to final 8 is a good head start. I will slowly improve from there :) failure makes me hungry for more. At least I have improved, I can think logically while playing now, and its something important. Thats what my coach once said :)

Sweet Schedule.

I have never love a sport so much, Searching for that lost sense of touch. Hectic Schedule but I love it. Monday - Korean Lesson 7 to 9.30pm Tuesday - Tuition 7 to 9.30pm Wednesday - Table Tennis Training 7 to 8.30pm Thursday - Tuition 7 to 9.30pm Friday - OFF Saturday - Driving Lesson 10.30 to 12 noon Sunday - Driving Lesson + 7.15am to 5.30pm ARMY Service. I am having this feeling back once again where I am packed and full. I seem to be hitting home at 10pm except on Wednesday and Friday. It gives me at least an objective everyday when I open my eyes and something that I am tasked to do each day. Some may be stressful, but I believe its a positive one. Thank you for support from Love. I only get to see her on Friday, Sat and Sun every week. Thanks for your understanding and letting me pursue what I like. Because of this I cherish you more. I may even add somemore on Sunday for another Tuition session which means I am really fully packed. Recently consulted a table tennis coach to b...

8th Month, Huat ah!

That kind of feeling and affection is what humans crave and seek for in their life. I am really happy I have found it. I hate having dates not being myself, where you are very careful with your actions and words, and behave in an etiquette way. I am glad I am not in this category. With you, I can be myself. I love you for letting me be me when I am with you. Happy 8th month :)

Bintan Outskirt!

Sunglasses = Beach time! 05-06 May 2012 was a holiday to Bintan with love and her friends. The main objective was to do nothing at all if we can. Teleporting ourselves to Bintan and lazing around in the sun and frolicking on the wide sandy beaches. And true enough, the friends around you build the experience. Be it Maldives or Bintan, as long there are great mates around that creates the fun matters most :D . A little review here:  The sky is uniquely beautiful which reflects perfectly on the imperfect sea. Honestly, the sea wasn't the best I have seen, nowhere close to clean and clear. If there is an example I must illustrate, then East Coast Park would be the best in line that resembles. However on the surface, the seamlessly blue sky gave the poor conditioned sea a nicer picture. Would I return again? The sky is beautiful, the staffs are friendly, the rooms are nicely furnished and maintained. However the objective of going to a beach has not been fulfi...

Mindset adjustment, Utilize time fully.

Paddler inspired, its time to sweep off these dead leaves away. Many think NS is a waste of time. Yes I admitted I was one of these haters on this unfair system. However, from now I choose to differ and think on a positive note. What is it? For a more fortunate me, stationed at a "8 to 5" camp. It is a time where I can explore my interests and ambition. A poly graduate who is yet to decide a life path ahead. Rather making rush decisions, this 2 good years enables me to calm down and reconcile. By exploring, I am able to learn new languages, take up self development courses, driving lessons, teaching and obtain some sports certificates that may expand my options more. Would I still be able to achieve all of these regularly if I am an undergrad in local uni now? While doing some research on table tennis today, I collected 3 good information which one of them is a competition that I am keen to see where I actually stand. Thankful to my soulmate who is always sup...

Reminiscing walk through lesson

That carefree man LOL Glad that I went for the korean lesson. The teacher is so friendly and cheerful, as well as a native korean as well. It made me reminisce back to when I was in korea. The typical koreans speaking english accent which I missed. I went there with 3 missions. 1) Simply be a student once again. I miss being one. 2) To learn korean and able to read and understand basic korean. 3) To learn what a learner look for and different methods to engage students in classes which can better help me for my tutoring lessons. I am feeling excited for the future 9 lessons after the first cos I feel I am able to achieve all these upon completing the course :) Aja!

Your vocal is uniquely yours :)

These 6 days long break has been amazing. A blissful type of happiness, that can only be felt through the heart. Your accompany, our combination is what i always wanted. It has been an enjoyable week and now is the sudden transition part from a fun filled and carefree man to a soldier on the next day. Korean lesson starts from tomorrow. A 10 weeks course which I am still negotiating with myself whether I should go for it which probably I would cos I have already paid for it. -.- There are many things to do in this world, but guess is what matters to me most and what I like the most is in consideration. For now is my needed tutoring experience that would help me in teaching and mentoring next time, learning new language to obtain extra 'key' to unlock communication barriers, getting a driving licence and lastly of course my family and sweetie pie :) Language lesson and driving licence is a temporary 3 months. Hopefully everything goes smoothly and hastly in a swift to ob...


Once again completed the full 50 episodes of 神话. 让我领悟了不少,也让我学到很多好诗好词. This chinese drama series is my all-time favourite probably for my liking for the respectable 5000 years chinese history especially on Qin Dynasty. The plot is very good, if you are teleported from 2012 back all the way to 2000 years ago when it was the Qin dynasty era and unable to teleport back. Yet also taking the 长生不老 pill, all you can do is to spend day by day for another 2000 years to unlock a mystery that was left behind and to find back your love. Till now, Qin Emperor's Tomb is yet to be discovered. According to history and experts, he built a tomb underground that is as good as heaven where things within can float. This discovery would be the best of the century ever if found.

The stage belongs to you.

Your presence on stage mesmerized me. I am not disappointed. In fact, I wanna say thank you. Everytime I see you performing on stage, I feel so joyful. Be it a 6 hours queuing time for that 1 min time on stage. I feel so proud, as if I was the one on stage singing. You helped me to accomplish something that I wouldn't be able to do it but yet I can feel it is near. I felt nervous because I am in this with you together. Sheryl no matter what, you always have my back and support! Though you didnt make it through, but I am really happy to see you singing on stage. Competing once again. You were close, we all know you were that close. You accomplished your mission of being one of the top fews to make an impact. You had 3 song opportunities, that means you have the pre-requisite. Whats left is the desire of how much u want it. Seems like nothing comes easy in life, we always have to prepare and await for the right opportunity and moment. I look forward to see you on the stage of 华人星光大道...

Wee! We Wii!

More laughter with a Wii at home :D Looks like both sheryl and sister loves it. This decision wasn't easy as I have been negotiating with myself whether I should buy one PS3/Xbox/Wii. And now finally decided on Wii. Though it doesnt equip with impressive graphics, but it is more of a console for the family and bonding. And much cheaper than a xbox. The deciding factor was which could play mario kart and a better bonding for my family as well. Total I have 2 controllers with a classic controller accompanied with 5 games. Super Mario, Mario Kart, FIFA 12, Monster hunter games and Guitar Hero. All these cost me half a thousand. I am taking this more of an investment to spend lesser time outside hence lesser expenses. As well as a family bonding equipment. All sounds good. I have tried almost all games. Mario games look cute and fun. FIFA didnt impressed with graphics but still I could still play matches and I am contented :) Haha but still think it will gonna be worth it. Thank you sh...

600th Entry.

岁月不饶人。。。 While listening to 那些年 the popular song that brings back memories of our younger days. 曾经想征服全世界。 My memories has been summarised through a song, through this sentence. Once, thought that I am created to make wonders and etc.. when that was merely 16 year old. Played a game called Habbo before, a game that is rather similar to the world, just a virtual world. Where u have companies, chill rooms, shops, pubs and your own house. I created some new games and new companies during my 2 years in that game. I met people with all walks of life in there, I also landed my adam khoo coach position through a friend recommendation from there. My english got better through being a radio DJ for one of the fansite. I met a business partner in there too. A lame game doesn't sound that lame too haha. I guess no matter where are you, as long as you can make the best out of something, you will find the joy in it and take a few things with me after that. I will be using this mentality to spend ...

Losing faith in humanity

Disgusted and losing faith in humanity. In a MRT train, an old lady was looking for a seat to rest herself as she didn't look well. However all seats were taken. She went over to a priority seat and asked a guy nicely. To my horror, the guy who is a China PRC questioned her.. "Why must I let you sit?"(the guy said in mandarin). Maybe I am starting to become a bitter person but I am starting to hate humanity. What is happening to this world? Are you stupid? You don't even understand basic courtesy, what makes you deserving to live another day than those pityful children in 3rd world country? Sometimes people cry because they are sad but I cry because people are stupid and that makes me sad. Being governed and boss around by these people, just makes my life pathetic. It's too bad that you can't just make mean people actually see that they are mean. They always think that they did nothing wrong and justify everything that they did to you. I don't hate much bu...

Thank you, Ms Aishah

Its funny in life, where things you don't expect to happen on you, happens. I was taught to be grateful to things and people, who have embraced you before. I am admitting my english was really bad when I was at my secondary school level. My school had classication for english lesson where students are dividied. I was in the worst classification class. Even then I only scored a C5 for my English "O" Levels. However, I joined one teenage youth online radio as a radio DJ after O levels which saw my english speaking skills improved drastically. I started to be more outspoken where both my Oral communication and Effective writing modules in Diploma of Business course were graded an A. My presentations for projects were usually smooth and sometimes I am awed by my own performance. In my final year, I went to Korea for a semester exchange programme. At there, I was a English tutor for a university professor who is also a verteran secretary in the school committee board. Right no...

Relax awhile, look around.

ITS FRIDAY! And its a good one! Given half day off :D Newly bought speaker delivered to my house. Enjoying music, with air con and prolly getting a beer too. Great way to end the work week. Cheers :)

Downloading waste...25% completed.

6 months soldier, a year and a half to go. Its just frustrating how the system of these 2 years works, unfair yet nothing I can do about it. I am whining because I have been leading my life really well before this and leading others too in camps, squash practices, projects and of course in jobs. It is just screwing me up day by day. Understanding being a good leader, has to be a good follower as well. But the authorities aren't showing good examples and capabilities. I have lost the respect and drive to perform for now. Little opportunities yet high expectations, this seems to be what is happening around. If you ask me what do I gain so far for 25% of 2 years time, I can't really specifically say it there. But because of people coming from all walks of life, I get to know different hybrids of people which I find it pretty interesting. I understand their background more, where do they came from resulting in their current attitude towards life and how they present themselves. Eve...


Life is full of changes, if you can't accept changes, you can't accept life. This sentence struck me during a conversation with one of my higher authority in camp.

24 hours

Steve jobs has 24 hours, Bill Gates has 24 hours, They all have 24 hours. But why, the outcome is different? Doesn't all of us have the ambition to change the world too? Gonna do something about it. Its the same dam 24 hours but yet different people accomplish different thing.

Val Day' 2012.

If I knew how to write a song I’d write one everyday It would say that I’m in love with you And why I feel this way It would have to say you’re pretty And as rare as a desert rose It would say you’re a looker From your head down to your toes You’re my comfort when I’m lonely You’re my peace when I need rest Of all the women I’ve known I must rate you the best. You’re the orchard in the jungle, you’re the better half of me You’re all of this and so much more, you mean the world to me Still so much is left unsaid, It would take me far too long I know how much I love you, If only I could write a song. You are someone whom I know I could wake up peacefully every morning and knowing that you both of our hearts' fire is still igniting. Everytime I sees you, you look really fresh as if I have missed you for months. Happy Valentines Day Sheryl Choo :) Hope you really liked the arrangement I have prepared for you, Ksuite on saturday and flowers delivered to your office. I know you said any...

Swim Failed

After a discussion, we felt we are not ready to send the proposal. However, we both agreed with this date onwards, we will be fully committed. Obtained my PDL today, happy when I walk the talk. Now is whether I am ready to touch the car now, abit hesitation, but a man got to do what he has got to. Anw, pening down this horrifying experience today. It was my first swimming competition, and it was horrid. Simply not my day, a competition hosted by the engineer unit gathering the best swimmers in engineer to compete with airforce and navy. Swam 400m freestyle and 200m breaststroke. I came in last for both. Never felt this demoralising, I was told to go to collect points even if I come in last I still do contribute but of cos in competitions, who wants to get the last. Truly, its hard to be an all rounder. Sometimes, finding myself Jack of All, but Master of none. However, with this experience, I understand myself better - knowing where I stand and I know my strengths and weaknesses. Felt ...

Fail to plan, Plan to fail.

I have made plans for the next few months, and its going to be hectic. I have been stalling and stalling, think that there is always a tomorrow and realised I have wasted some of my hyper youth years. Many things awaiting for me to accomplish, its racing against time now! 1. Driving - Plan: 14th April is FTT. while waiting for FTT, get my PDL and start learning practical lessons. Hope to complete 20 lessons, FTT and final test in 3-4 months. Possible days to sacrifice - Weekends morning. Starting after valentines day week. 2. Business Venture Application - Plan: ACE is funding entrepreneurs up to 50k, hence taking this great chance. Have 2 possible ideas to submit for entry, however lack in manpower. Application is from 1 Feb to 16 Mar. Possible days to sacrifice, Mon/Wed meetup with team. 3. Korean lessons - Plan: To take a 10 lessons course on korean language, to obtain a cert. To be done after March or even as late as May. Have a voucher purchased at Cambridge Language School. Possi...

Maple Island Pics

Pictures of me when I was in.... Tekong (Maple Island) The main character in the pic is my buddy, thats me beside him during a PT. Its the early period of Tekong so I looked fatter Me on far right - Doing it with a smile :) Hard to spot this, i was twisting to the camera anw thats why i remembered. 7th from the right Ready in Action for 1st IPPT. The fact that I did not pass out from tekong (POP) made me felt left out now. However, I know there is a price for many things. I gain and I lose. But I felt I gained more :)