Sweet Schedule.

I have never love a sport so much,
Searching for that lost sense of touch.

Hectic Schedule but I love it.

Monday - Korean Lesson 7 to 9.30pm
Tuesday - Tuition 7 to 9.30pm
Wednesday - Table Tennis Training 7 to 8.30pm
Thursday - Tuition 7 to 9.30pm
Friday - OFF
Saturday - Driving Lesson 10.30 to 12 noon
Sunday - Driving Lesson

+ 7.15am to 5.30pm ARMY Service.

I am having this feeling back once again where I am packed and full. I seem to be hitting home at 10pm except on Wednesday and Friday. It gives me at least an objective everyday when I open my eyes and something that I am tasked to do each day. Some may be stressful, but I believe its a positive one.

Thank you for support from Love. I only get to see her on Friday, Sat and Sun every week. Thanks for your understanding and letting me pursue what I like. Because of this I cherish you more. I may even add somemore on Sunday for another Tuition session which means I am really fully packed.

Recently consulted a table tennis coach to be my personal coach. Did 3 sessions with him and he is very patient with me. I realized all these while, I haven't been playing it the correct way. There are 2 competitions coming up, 24 May & 11 June. I am participating in both. Not expecting much but not giving my opponent an easy time. 100% all out.

Expenses output have been on a rise recently too, spent $50 on dental, $50 on table tennis rubber, $30 on assessment books in just 2 days. Big blow to my wallet. Also went to bintan lately, thats a $200 cost. Not forgetting getting Wii in late march/early April. I hate to do this, but I got to start watching closely on every penny I spend.


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