Losing faith in humanity

Disgusted and losing faith in humanity.
In a MRT train, an old lady was looking for a seat to rest herself as she didn't look well. However all seats were taken. She went over to a priority seat and asked a guy nicely. To my horror, the guy who is a China PRC questioned her.. "Why must I let you sit?"(the guy said in mandarin).
Maybe I am starting to become a bitter person but I am starting to hate humanity. What is happening to this world? Are you stupid? You don't even understand basic courtesy, what makes you deserving to live another day than those pityful children in 3rd world country? Sometimes people cry because they are sad but I cry because people are stupid and that makes me sad.
Being governed and boss around by these people, just makes my life pathetic. It's too bad that you can't just make mean people actually see that they are mean. They always think that they did nothing wrong and justify everything that they did to you. I don't hate much but I can see myself hating people like them.
From my experience, people (in general) only care about one thing: themselves. They say they care about their friends but do they really? Do they really truly care? Would they give everything up for a friend?
I am trying to pick up and laugh at little things to make myself as positive as much as I can to cover those negativity magnetic cells. I would like to thank my dear girlfriend who thinks the same way as me. I am so glad to have her by my side.
God, it seems you know what was gonna happen to me and you sent a little angel guarding by my side who thinks, talk and active that is almost a clone like me. Thank you. Though, we had a huge fight last week but we fix things. You are important to me :)
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