My special 21st gift for myself.

Turning 21st and received some presents from friends and family. But I also found a gift for myself, an intangible gift.

我其中的观点一直犯了非常大的错误, 终于悟出了这个道理。
那观点就是我们每个人都需要做最真实的自己, 不管别人怎么讲。只要是最真实的自己,我们才会开心,快乐和没有遗憾。我们都不需要因为别人的言语而活。别人都不理解你,凭什么对你指指点点,所以一定要做最真实的自己。但是我现在才发现我犯了一个严重错误的代价,那就是混淆了一个概念。 那就是最真实的自己,不代表是最美好的自己。

All along have been thinking being true to myself is the best way but sometimes it doesn't bring out the best of me instead staying put at where I am. It does not apply largely on me but its a good phrase where made me raised up to another level of understanding in human behaviours.

Happy 21st :)


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