What my future awaits me

Thank you "Mame Choo" for surprising this cute navy blue kipling monkey and appearing at cck to wait for my tuition to end. I have been admiring this keychain since young and played with it whenever I sees it. I rmb my  pri sch teacher having one :x

Giving a serious thought on my future. Looking at myself and questioned where do I see myself at after NS, after a degree. My recent application for 3 Local Unis wasn't  positive. Even if its positive. I ask myself so I will be one of those fresh grad out there looking for an office job of about 2.5k-3k. What would I be doing?

Self questioned again - What do I like to do?
I like kids, I love teaching, I love talking, I enjoy sharing knowledge with people. So automatically... this popped up: TEACHER?

Think of it, why not? But i bet all my friends are doubting me if they see this now. T.T
Could be an option, as long as I don't sign on :D


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