What is your definition of happiness?

Kindness which is supposed to be a true humanitarian characteristic is less seen nowadays. Yet an indian construction worker displayed it. While we were blaming on foreign workers, this kind soul here just gained my respect.

Just read an article and it changed my perspective of seeing an intangible heartfelt thing call, happiness. What is happiness? Is it getting thousands-dollar payroll job and fighting in the workforce with our competitive nature for promotion to earn as much money as we can? Can money really measure happiness? It seems to be what is happening in this world now.

做人随和,才会开心。This was what I heard before from a 50+ year old boss of mine. Sometimes we fight for our greedy ambition but forgot the true definition of happiness.

Here is the article link: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=345607915516982&set=a.199292906815151.50022.117458761665233&type=1&theater


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