Our First Year
这是我们的纪念日 :)
This joyful one year have been filled with many happenings and emotions just like the 4 seasons, but many times blissful. We have matured along the way, coming into 2nd year, we will use this maturity to encounter problems together :)
Our day was a bliss,
Started off with some surprise to her in the morning with my rare cooking appearing with a 爱心便当 for he work in the day!
We headed to Kiseki Restaurant for some fabulous japanese food and gave her my surprise gift too.

I made her guess her gift, i gave up after many wrong guesses and changed to playing hangman where she finally got it right :D (Alex 1 - 0 Sheryl)
Thank you for your gift too :)
August was a bad month as I wasn't with u for 18 days consecutively. It felt like hell, then i realised it doesn't matter what we do together. As long as it consists you, its a bliss :)
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