starhub job!

29th August 2008 , Friday

I guess most of u guys went back to your secondary or primary school today to find our beloved teachers and our junior schoolmates.

So i met jing han at 12.45 and we took bus 88 to whitley.
Its kinda later already. some teachers going back already and all the students are like off to celebrate the start of holiday liao..

Just nice met up with marcus , ben and edwin when we alight..
Didnt know that we were on the same bus..

Went whitley and find rohaya , jus nice she was in the canteen and met some classmates there too. Love them!

Then went to makan and stick to default , play soccer!
Dam long never play with my kakis liao.. Miss the feeling sia..

Finish soccer at 5 plus then went back to toa payoh with jing han to grab some snacks and bubble tea then happy day!~!~ LOLS.
Home Sweet Home ((:

Anyway , grats marcus for getting the job.
He was dam lucky.
Cos i was the last batch for this customer care consultant job.
Then no more vacancy le ,
but the starhub maybe kena 4D or toto then recruiting 6 more.
And jus nice , marcus jus sent in his resume to the agency the day before..
So he got the chance for a interview with the starhub client.
And he is the very very last batch. ai seh..

He went interview at 2pm and his interview was 1 to 1.
and at 5 , he called me to tell me the result.
Me :Hello
Marcus : Eh alex ar .
Me : Yea? so how was it?
Marcus : Eh.. I didnt get it * Emo tone *
Me : Huh? really ar * cant believe it and silence *
Marcus : * Laugh* , bluff u la! I got it!
Me : Shit you la. basket.. serious ar.. really got it?
Marcus : Ya la.. thanks alot.
Me : Nice one man..

to be continued...

So we will be working at the same place. Cool ar.
Cos i was worrying that i go there solo then like no one to talk to , then emo..
But i guess this is not a prob anymore XDD

I am so excited for the job!!~


Cherish. This simple word with 7 letters.
But i am still learning...


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