Orientation with the freshies - Day2 (Last Day)

Pretty Lovely Tiring Day.
Games Games Games~
Cheers Cheers Cheers~
Thats all about today.
Oh BM0901 - BA's attendance is quite good, 13 came. Yay :D
The other 15 went missing here and there, but oh well, i still love them.
Comparing to my class last year where we only have a class size of 5 people coming on the 2nd day and of cos i am not in that 5 :b
Its so lovely to be their OGL :D
The day started at 8am.
Where all the OGLs have to gather at stadium grandstand, as usual i was late.. but i am not the only one who is late =X
Briefing and all that jiao wei lo.
At 9am, the cuties started coming in to assemble and blah blah blah.
At 10 plus we have all the wet games all that under the hot sun. At that point of time, everyone are crazy to get wet so u can imagine how burning hot it is..
We have a 2hr and 30 mins break in the afternoon where the cuties will wash up, makan, shop, talk cock.. so fun. We actually played this game call the animal farm?
So we have an animal name for each of us and blah blah blah.
After which, we have the teambuilding games where the class will bond.. Obviously.
Then after that, at evening 6.30pm, its the grand finale with the performance and choosing of Mr & Ms Freshie 09. My class was supposed to go for the election but they pang seh. Anyway BA, u all know if u all sent Logan and Rachel out.. Both of you would be the Mr & Ms Freshie already.. No joke.
Everything ended at 8pm for the finale.
But u know la.. OGLs have to stay back clear the parang parangs, photo shooting, debrief, and bye bye here and there which i made us going back like around 9 - 10.
But afterall, it was worthwhile.
Cos.. I love my class - BA! :D
Thank you lovelies from BA for making this possible.
Remember the animal farm!
Okay let me recall...
Alex the Ape - Me
Zhi Jun the Zookeeper - OGL
Lenny the Lizard
Don the Dragon
Jun Jie the Jaguar
John the JellyFish
Mark the Monkey
Daniel the Dog
Rachel the Rabbit
Kimberly the Koala Bear
Cindy the Crab
Evon the Elephant
Olivia the Owl
Hui Jie the Horse
Zoe the Zebra
Woohoo i got all that 13!
I feel so smart :D
BA, i appreciate a lot for making this a memorable orientation for me and hope you all feel the same too. Nevertheless i would like to thank you all BAs for making such a great and pleasant experience to be your OGL.
Also letting me know how 2nd day feels like.
3 Cheers & 3 Cheers & 3 Cheers for BA!
Hip Hip Hooray
Hip Hip Hooray
Hip Hip Hooray!~
I have 3 pics on hand currently, enjoy (:

Even though it has ended, but your heart was'nt in the relationship from the start.
Do you really understand the feeling of this? :(
Games Games Games~
Cheers Cheers Cheers~
Thats all about today.
Oh BM0901 - BA's attendance is quite good, 13 came. Yay :D
The other 15 went missing here and there, but oh well, i still love them.
Comparing to my class last year where we only have a class size of 5 people coming on the 2nd day and of cos i am not in that 5 :b
Its so lovely to be their OGL :D
The day started at 8am.
Where all the OGLs have to gather at stadium grandstand, as usual i was late.. but i am not the only one who is late =X
Briefing and all that jiao wei lo.
At 9am, the cuties started coming in to assemble and blah blah blah.
At 10 plus we have all the wet games all that under the hot sun. At that point of time, everyone are crazy to get wet so u can imagine how burning hot it is..
We have a 2hr and 30 mins break in the afternoon where the cuties will wash up, makan, shop, talk cock.. so fun. We actually played this game call the animal farm?
So we have an animal name for each of us and blah blah blah.
After which, we have the teambuilding games where the class will bond.. Obviously.
Then after that, at evening 6.30pm, its the grand finale with the performance and choosing of Mr & Ms Freshie 09. My class was supposed to go for the election but they pang seh. Anyway BA, u all know if u all sent Logan and Rachel out.. Both of you would be the Mr & Ms Freshie already.. No joke.
Everything ended at 8pm for the finale.
But u know la.. OGLs have to stay back clear the parang parangs, photo shooting, debrief, and bye bye here and there which i made us going back like around 9 - 10.
But afterall, it was worthwhile.
Cos.. I love my class - BA! :D
Thank you lovelies from BA for making this possible.
Remember the animal farm!
Okay let me recall...
Alex the Ape - Me
Zhi Jun the Zookeeper - OGL
Lenny the Lizard
Don the Dragon
Jun Jie the Jaguar
John the JellyFish
Mark the Monkey
Daniel the Dog
Rachel the Rabbit
Kimberly the Koala Bear
Cindy the Crab
Evon the Elephant
Olivia the Owl
Hui Jie the Horse
Zoe the Zebra
Woohoo i got all that 13!
I feel so smart :D
BA, i appreciate a lot for making this a memorable orientation for me and hope you all feel the same too. Nevertheless i would like to thank you all BAs for making such a great and pleasant experience to be your OGL.
Also letting me know how 2nd day feels like.
3 Cheers & 3 Cheers & 3 Cheers for BA!
Hip Hip Hooray
Hip Hip Hooray
Hip Hip Hooray!~
I have 3 pics on hand currently, enjoy (:
Even though it has ended, but your heart was'nt in the relationship from the start.
Do you really understand the feeling of this? :(
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