Club Crawl - Day 1

Back to school even though its my holiday still.
Went back to help out at the squash booth for club crawl.
The response is pretty good, 65 people signed up surprisingly.
I was really happy when some of them from year 1 BA signed up.
Also, 4/5 of the people who signed up are females. Its a good thing but it will be better to have a balance of the gender. So at the last few hours, me and gerold, we were actually somehow turning gay, looking for males to join. zzz.
Wilson was expecting 10 people to sign up, but oh well, miracles do happen. Sigh, More people sign up, also more number of people to call too.
Another club crawl tomorrow and Squash Exhibition Match and Squash training after that. I will probably need some sleep early today.
Erm.. Swimming tomorrow morning?
I need to control my diet!
Looking for people to watch "17 again" with alex.
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