Club Crawl - Day 2

Second and the last day of club crawl. Total squash had 111 people signed up. About the people who are gonna turn up then thats a different story. However, i am really happy that 4 more students from BA signed up :D
Also, i have gone back to squash training officially after missing 6 months of squash. Marcus went back too. Coach still remember us surprisingly, but he asked us in a joking manner, " Are you all here for the orientation?" Lol. "Badri" is still "Badri".
Well, This really isnt a one week break for me, I am going back to nyp everyday. Foreign students coming from germany to singapore to study one semester in nyp starting from tomorrow. They will be arriving at around 3plus at airport. I am so excited to welcome them, especially my buddy with the same name as me, Alex, to be specific Alexandra.
I didnt get to swim today cos the swimming complex is booked by the primary sch kids every tues and thurs 9am to 11am. So.. i am gonna swim tomorrow! Okay, gonna blast.
Alex needs to fix his emotional feelings.
Alex needs to control his diet.
Alex needs to exercise.
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