
A dream that may turn into reality.
Nothing much today,
Same old routine at home.
However, another big decision i have to make.
About the Singapore Youth Flying Club.
It all started with my friend, shawn.
I have not played habbo for sometime, around two months.
Also, i have not keep in touch with my habbo friends, whatevers clique since January until last week.
But due to my curiosity i went back to habbosoup to help and engage myself in habbo everyday for at least 10 mins per day.
Then, on saturday, 4th April, i happen to met one of my friend in the whatevers clique, shawn.
He suddenly talked about PPL.
Then engaged me to know more about it.
He then told me SYFC - Singapore Youth Flying Club, that he is going there to apply for flying application.
After he said that, i recalled 2 years back, my maths tuition teacher did told me about the youth flying club and urged me to join.
Back then i didnt really pay much attention to it, but it did left me a deep impact.
To be honest, since young, my dream is to become a pilot, not an ordinary pilot, but an outstanding one. I know to reach that standard, i have to start from young. I love the wind, I love the planes, I love aviation, I love the sky.
And that explains why i checked out on the website itself, sgforum, from shawn and my other friends about more details.
There are some requirements that i have to meet,
and i believe i do.
However, i believe in such statement - when i gain something, i lose something too.
For this case, i will lose time and it may even interrupt my studies.
From what i have found out from my friends, they said i will be missing lessons as some of the trainings are held at 3pm. I want to excel in both my studies and also in this flying club(if i am able to get in).
I did thought to myself alot for the past 2 days regarding this.
The singapore youth flying club is only eligible for those who are 16-21 studying in poly/jc.
If i want to join, i have to do it now.
The flying application is a 1 year course, and if i join next year, it will be very dangerous as it is my graduating year.
However, if i join afer i complete my ns, i would be too old for this.
Being a pilot is my dream ever since i was young.
I believe opportunity doesnt knock twice.
Things happen, happened for a reason.
I do not want to look back and regret when i am old.
I always believe in my intuition.
Hence, i have decided.
God bless me.
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