
iRiS : Wo hen zhi dong one (:
iRiS : Have fun at ur gas station. LOL.
iRiS : Eh tolong la, dun like that, only 17th bday dun need do so extreme. Please pretty?

Sihui : 2 more days yo, where is my present? XD

CHARMAINE : haha, someone in class say dun wan friend me cos of christian chia lo. tsktsk.

JIEYI : Heyo! meet up soon yo, very long never see you liao.

JAS : Mei wen ti (:

Laylabloom : Everyone knows how to bite. come on.



SLAY met at cityhall.
Went to kbox @ marina.
Jay songs first XD

Yimei kind of addicted, wan us to jio her out for more kbox session.

At 5 plus, we were chased out. lmao.
But nvm,
we intended to leave at that time too.

Headed to lollipop & energy concert @ expo hall 4B.
Thanks to Nicole & Iris for sponsoring the tix.

The actual timing was 7pm to 10pm.
But due to the long queues all that, in the end its 8.30 to 10.30pm.
Though it started later than i thot, but its worthwhile cos i get to see bang bang tang in real life, in person! I have been watching their show for nearly 2 years on tv screen.

And suddenly i see them in real life,
I got a kind of mystery feeling.
* I am not gay *

I am really really happy to see them in person, see them performing live.
Especially wei lian! HE IS DAM HANDSOME!.
On screen and real life, he is like two different person.
Au quan also not bad, the others look around the the same on screen too.
Awei looks cute though. and very happy that i got to see awei doing his da feng che live la! I doubt any singaporeans can do that, seriously.

Apart from the great performance that my eyes get to see,
but there were shoutings that my poor ear have to tahan for the 2 hours.
Its really very irritating and painful to have girls screaming at the top of their voice at my ears. and somemore, their pitch is.. GRR...

And poor laykheng & shuyu & yimei gonna tahan the bangs from the people there.
shuyu & laykheng got to tip toe too.

After concert, took cab to amk hub.
wanted to take train, but the crowd is really really crazy.
and somemore yimei leg cannot tahan liao.

We had ba chor mee and watched madagascar 2 (:
Soon it was 2am plus,
Home Sweet Home.

What a day!
Pictures will be up soon!


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