Alex is happy today (:

Key in database for IT.
doing the queries,forms,reports, with iris help tml.
Hope that can finish tomorrow.
Iris pls help~ XD

Went out to have dinner with nicole in the evening.
Wanted to go to those ex ex place,
but she was complaining about full here and there,
fattening here and there,
then dun wan eat ex ex one,
so ended up at gelare. lol.

Had the waffle ice cream,
very nice (:

Crap alot;
and.. her make up hor,
wah liao,
steady one.

Didnt stay out for too long,
went home at 8 plus (:

I feel so stress now,
i shouldnt have work part time when school reopen,
i feel so pathetic now,
alot things to catch up.
I have alot things to do to catch up,
in order to get a good grade for the upcoming ICAs.
Jia you Alex!


At least we are still friends now (:


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