O levels English Oral!!!!

Okay.. its o level english oral today!!
and i successfully got over it!
Oh Man.. i cant speak english that well but i did tried my best.
I think i did kinda alright.
I was satisfied for my performance , i rate 7/10 for myself. =D

Three questions were thrown to me during the conversation
-Tell me about the competition that u had taken part before.
-Do u prefer to take part in individual competition or in a team competition?
-Do u think winning is the most important in a competition?

English oral cleared!!!!
Now have to worry about the written papers which is in 2 months time.
Jia You!

Something funny happened today!
While we were playing a ball ( kinda small) dunno whats that~
then when i throw to kenji and he miskicked it!
Then , we heard a 'zip' sound...
Oh my god!! Jenji's pant was torn. somewhere at his thigh...
Felt sorry and guilty coz i was the one that threw the ball..

Sorry Kenji!!

I knew that day will come ,
it was just a matter of time ,
i knew i was just a temporary item for you ,
but i didnt give up ,
because i really love you.

After so many months together ,
our love was merely just shattered coz of him ,
have u ever thought how i would feel?
u only care for ur hurt feelings ,
maybe to u its just a game ,
i was just a chess in ur life ,
i was played by you..

It really hurts ,
after so many months together ,
just a single word that u requested
had shattered our past ,
ask yourself , is it worth it?

Have u forgotten all of our past?
the happy and sad times when we shared it together?
Our relationship was broken
just because of your hurt feelings?
Remember the promises we made to each other?
These promises are just empty promises ,
maybe ur definition of forever is just 434 days..

You gone even further
by just having a new replacement after 5 days we had broken?
Is our relationship so brittle?
all it takes is just 5 days for u to forget everything?

U don't know how it feels...
the pain and sufferings...
whenever i am alone , i kept thinking about u
I tried not to but...
Memories of our past flooded through my mind.

and all u takes was just 5 days to forget everything???
did u really love me???
I doubt so...
but i can tell you something...
I still love you.

When something is lost ,
they will tend to cherish it more than before.
But that thing will never come back when it is lost.
I dun expect much ,
because i know it's already too late.

Our past has been forgotten as time goes by...


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