
The sunset i used to watch at the playground.
Started off my holiday yesterday with a meaningful and fruitful job at Si Ling Primary School as a coach representing akltg. When i first walked into the library, the kids are already geared up with the trainer in front entertaining them. It is the SuperKids program which is to train them to be ready for the upcoming PSLE.
From them, i looked back to my childhood. I found the innocence, the cuteness, the curiousity, the playful-ness and also the beautiful memories i had when i was a primary six kid. Remembering the length of our socks we used to pull up to as if we are ready to go on to the pitch for a soccer pitch. How short recess were. How little we know about the world. And also not forgetting the games we played before - Catching, Spiders hunting in the field, Ice & Freeze, Simon says and how we used to throw paper ball at our friends.
These 2 days, today and yesterday, not only have i guide them when they need me but also learnt something from them too. Ironically, they may be easy to please but hard to control. I would love to stay and guide them further however this is only a 2 days workshop at Si Ling Primary school.
I will be going to Republic Poly tomorrow till friday for another workshop - PSLE Seminar for another batch of primary sixes.
6 years has passed, and things have changed. I wonder how i will be in another 6 years time? (:
12yr old VS 18yr old:
From them, i looked back to my childhood. I found the innocence, the cuteness, the curiousity, the playful-ness and also the beautiful memories i had when i was a primary six kid. Remembering the length of our socks we used to pull up to as if we are ready to go on to the pitch for a soccer pitch. How short recess were. How little we know about the world. And also not forgetting the games we played before - Catching, Spiders hunting in the field, Ice & Freeze, Simon says and how we used to throw paper ball at our friends.
These 2 days, today and yesterday, not only have i guide them when they need me but also learnt something from them too. Ironically, they may be easy to please but hard to control. I would love to stay and guide them further however this is only a 2 days workshop at Si Ling Primary school.
I will be going to Republic Poly tomorrow till friday for another workshop - PSLE Seminar for another batch of primary sixes.
6 years has passed, and things have changed. I wonder how i will be in another 6 years time? (:
12yr old VS 18yr old:

In case you dunno, I am 2nd from the right when i was p6.
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