dun emo pls.

25th July 2008 , Friday

Off day from lessons today cos John ho cancelled it XD
But still i went to school...

Met wei jun at 4pm at tpy mrt then we go school to train squash on our own!
Before going , i fear that the 4 courts will be full but when we reach there , all 4 courts were empty. LOL.

The feeling of squash-ing is so great!
Trying all methods to improve myself in everytime i train and i think i did today (:
And.. thanks wei jun for accompanying me to train together (:


I finally understand now...

Chance only come by once ,
Unfortunately , i didn’t cherish it.

We arent fated to be together.
Love can only be existed with fate.

I am leaving this one way path.
You taught me how to cherish (:


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