Which option?

Before i start blogging,
Huici need help for statistic survey,
100 surveys,

take less than 1 min.
Link here : http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=HzyZfjvyo785oF7oe6gxMw_3d_3d
Thank you in advance yo.


DBM option day talk.
4 options to specialise in year 2,
Human Resource Management, Retail Management, Customer Relationship Management, Supply Chain Management.

Which one to choose?
Retail and Customer Relationship sounded interesting today and of cos, able to get a place in university after diploma, this sounds cool, but looking at the negative side, retail is workaholic and no rest on p.h , Customer relationship is like starhub, i cant tahan that job for long.

So.. I am still thinking..

Most imptly,
work hard for sem 2 first.
I am getting back on track bit by bit,
Aiming for a gpa of 3.6 and above.
Jia you Alex!


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