Thank you for the royce! (:

Anyway, Yesterday,
I woke up late at 7.50am
when sch starts at 8am
and the latest i can tap my card is 8.10am

So i took cab and it costs me over $10,
Pain, but oh well, bo bian.

When i reach sch,
Charmaine surprised me with a ROYCE Chocolate!
it a present for my birthday last tuesday.

Didnt know she will buy,
thot she will ask me out for lunch instead,
cos the previous night,
she asked me. " Alex, where are you going after school tml? "
and i thot she jio-ing me out. lol.

The reason why she asked that was bcos the chocolate will melt after 5 hours,
thats why i have to go home straight after school to keep it in my freezer.

Really appreciate it,
i haven tried this royce chocolate before,
think i will be keeping it for long until..
One day really cant resist the temptation then eat (:


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