zhuzhu pop at ftpys

21st June 2008

Woke up at 9 in the morning.
Zhuzhu got Band Passing Out Parade ( POP ) at first toa payoh sec.
Since its so close to my hse , so just go and see see lo =)

Cycle to first tpy sec , and i saw FERDY outside the school!
I was like.. Eh.. wrong person is it.
But same face , same shape , same specs , so must be lo. Hahas.
He came from tampines sia and reached the sch at 9am liiaos.
After that lisa came.

Locked my bike and went up to watch the POP.
Zhuzhu look so cute in that band uniform. LOLS.
But her face abit big la without the fringe. =X

After that , watch other schs band performance too.
Ended at 12 plus then i pang seh them and went back on my own =X

Kena KO once i reach home.
Slept till 2.
Actually going to ritz carlton for job interview but i think i need some more time to think if i wanna work there.
Slack and daydream till 3 plus.

Met up with jarrod then go snooker zone at toa payoh to play pool.
Then Home Sweet Home =)

Gosh.. So many hws undone!
Somemore tml morning have religion class.


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