last day of holiday

Wow. Time passes very fast.
2 weeks of holidays is up.
Time to go back to sch!

Homeworks undone , revision only halfway there.
I have more to go.

Cant they jus give us another 5 months holidays like the one after o levels?
Tsk Tsk..

Starting to realise the importance of my studies le.
Gonna work hard for it.

But thinking of the ICA2 informative speech makes me sian 1/2.
Hopefully year 2 doesnt have this module.

Alright. nyp , wo hui lai le..


Why did u come back into my life again?
I am so lost now.
What should i do?
U ask me to follow my heart ,
But i have lost my heart and soul long ago
and it will take some time for me to find it back.

No matter u are real or fake ,
i jus wanna tell you i did love u wholeheartedly before.
I miss you ;


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