Study Econs at tpy

Had plan to study econs with marcus , wei jun , iris , heather , hui zin and adison.
But adison need to work , hui zin not free , heather got her dunno what wedding thing.

So left me , marcus , wei jun and iris.

Met up with marcus at mrt at 1.45pm then went to long john , iris join us soon after.
Makan then start to study le.

Wei Jun joined us at 3pm.

Actually study at home before i go le , but i miss them alot , so meet up with them , and also a good way to summarise and get it into my head. =)

Studied till around 5pm then went to arcade to play the soccer machine that thing.

After that , went to koufu to have dinner. Had hokkien mee , but it wasnt really that nice which we expected it to be =X.

After that , went to play pool for more than 2 hours with marcus and wei jun while iris go home with her bf.

Had alot of fun while playing as we were talking cock and calling each other bitch in a joking manner. Hahaha.
Unfortunately , my phone no batt again , so no pics =X

When i got home , had to post the result of trial djs for the march 2008 batch.
I took more than an hour to write that post man.
Seriously , this batch is one of the best batch that habbosoup ever had and i am happy and honoured to be their mentor. However , the staffs are over populated and have to remove some as the next dj application will be out real soon.

Bid farewell to 6 trial djs , and i must say , after 2 to 3 months of friendship with them , it was very hard for me to bid farewell to them. My heart aches when they were djing the last time on air. I guess the listeners as well as their supporters also do feel the same as me in one way or another. However , sacrifices had to be made , jiu de bu qu , xing de bu lai. Takecare to the 6 of them. =)


In life , we only cherish things after we lost them.
By the time we found out how important is it , its a little too late.

后悔?不如换个角度来看 , 继续向前走 ,
人生往往会遇到一些挫折 , 我们不应该一时的疏忽而灰心。
可悲的是它不能从来 , 可喜的是它不需要从来。
哪怕我们只剩下一天的性命 , 也要好好地活下去。


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