
1ST IT PROJECT ENDED!!~ * Both presentation and Report *

Feel so relaxed and full of cheng jiu gan XDD.

Cos firstly , the presentation slides , it was my first time doing the slides , as in the past during sec life, i was the one giving ideas to my group , doing nth related to slides.

But this time , our group only got me and heather , so die die also must do , so was exploring mic powerpoint , anyhow click , and in the end , achieved a result that both of us wanted XDD.

Secondly , i seriously put my heart and soul into this project , hoping to do well and get a good grade , and now is all down to the report grade which i have no idea too.

Personally , i feel that it was a great experience working with heather to do on this IT project , she was a great group buddy. When doing the research , cant get the info we wan , tu lan together. When get good grade , happy together XDD.

Although it was very tiring and kind of stressful. But this project was a blessing in disguise as i got to know heather , iris and hui zin more XDD.


Oops.. Cannot happy too early ,
Cos next week , is..... the ICA week!
3 ICAs coming on next week.
Gonna study hard and get a good grade =)

Good Luck and All the best to all BL buddies!
Jia You!~ :b


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