Accounting ICA 1

26th may 2008

Had Accounts ICA 1 today.
I totally flunk it.
I thot i know 80% of it le , but i found out i know nothing.
And i dunno why i am always like this.
Hopefully i am able to get a pass for this although i know its quite impossible.

For now , i still can decide my grade for POM , Econs , Stats.
I am gonna do better for my stats paper and i believe i am able to.

POM will be in 2 days time.
And i am gonna mug hard for this.

After today's acc test , there is a lecture straight after the test.
I was so tired and "paink" on the table and started sleeping , drooling at the same time too =X.

After lecture , go out to have fun , play pool with class guys.
I enjoy playing pool now XDD.

Play till 7 plus.
Home Sweet Home =)


I had 120 hours to get u back ( 1st Aug to 5th Aug 2007 ), but i was stubborn and started throwing my kiddy tantrum , 120 hours is already sufficient but i didnt grab the chance.
When i wanted to have u back a few months ago..
u said " u had the chance "
And i missed it totally.

Yesterday , i played truth or dare with my friends..
One of my friend asked me " how long will u be able to forget N "
This question struck me..
i have never thought of this question before.
This question attacked me through my heart.
I was stunned, i feel paralysed , dunno what to reply..
As i dun really have a definite answer for it.

Then i kept thinking of this question all day..
" When will i get u out of my mind? "
I really dunno..
I just know i am willing to be at ur side , supporting u and make u happy and smile always.

This blog was created for you cos i promised you i will create one blog when u asked me to when we were together last time.
We are not now ,
the only thing i can do , is to fufill the promises i have made last time.
Stay happy always Nicole =)

This is the pen which u wrote both of our names on the pen.
I will keep this pen with me forever.
失去了 , 才懂得珍惜 , 已经太迟了。


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