Good May

The night is getting warmer these days over the past few weeks.
And since 2 weeks when i first started, now I have settled down at Search Network.
Being a 19 year old chap doing interviews with candidates who are looking for job, I have received comments from many, "You look very young, how old are you?" I interviewed people all the way as old as 55 year old. But I am not there to judge them or anything, I am there to help them to get a job in a position they enjoy doing.

The fun about this job is seeing different types of people during interviews. Many would be the traditional ones who will be serious and professional while some can chit chat with you asking interviewer if you had lunch. I had one interviewee that exposed me a poly graduate, true enough and after admitting it, she gave me a good 15 mins lecture on the tactic to secure higher salary when looking for jobs and asked me when I didnt want to work other place else with higher pay.

While some promised to come for interview and in the end disappear, disappointment. Seeing different charactertistics of people at tense situation in making a decision, just showed the true form of individuals.

On the bright side, when there is a success deal in helping someone to find a job, there will be a sense of achievement which push me further in working more diligently. It could be pure luck that the person's resume fell into my inbox or it could be that I slotted the right person on the right job.

Again, 19 year old chap interviewing people, you dont get that alot. It can be a good thing or a bad thing, but I see it in a positive manner. I will strive to do my best, my main objective is to gain experience and enjoy the process of recruitment and selection with a blend of sales. Awesome, its another may that I am gaining something new and good.


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