Everyone needs one

We were wrong placed, wrong timed.
I am glad that I overcame this date, 23rd May. I told myself that to give myself a chance and I did. It wasnt easy, but i tried to avoid seeing today's date and engaging myself as busy as possible. Though there were still signs, but I am happy to pass through today in at least to control myself. I know it aint easy, let me do it step by step. Slowly, and I will be done, for good. I hope it was a good day for you too, hopefully I will forget this date one day. By then, we will realise we had made the right decision from the start.
The trip to korea was also one of the reason for me to stay away and stop thinking, I will want to make it a worth it trip by at least progressing. Turning 20 this year, it was a 15 year old boy promise. Now i am telling myself to stop living in denial and give myself a chance beacause, everyone needs one.
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