Emotions to Music

Once upon a time...
Finally a break.
Its time off from attachment for today cos of the extra hours i have worked for the past weekends.
And... what a break.
I spent the whole day at home.
Did some piano score findings of the myth endless love song.
There are a couple of versions of it, so was listening to different versions and see which one is reasonable for my level.
Just nice, my printer is low on ink, so without the score i couldnt start learning yet.
Also, took out my dusty guitar from the storeroom which i bought it when i was 11. So.. i havent been touching it for very long time, cos i know nth about music when i was a p5 kid. Went online to look at some beginner guides on guitar and started playing some chords. Erm, no idea why i am starting to like to play more instruments recently.
Developing the likes of acoustic guitar, bass guitar and drum. Thinking of learning one of these instrument and gather pple to form a band. Had this thinking - if not now as a teenager, i may not have the chance to do it after 10 years. Main interest now is on drums (:
Anyone have the same thinking as me of learning a new instrument or forming a band in the near future? :D
Its time off from attachment for today cos of the extra hours i have worked for the past weekends.
And... what a break.
I spent the whole day at home.
Did some piano score findings of the myth endless love song.
There are a couple of versions of it, so was listening to different versions and see which one is reasonable for my level.
Just nice, my printer is low on ink, so without the score i couldnt start learning yet.
Also, took out my dusty guitar from the storeroom which i bought it when i was 11. So.. i havent been touching it for very long time, cos i know nth about music when i was a p5 kid. Went online to look at some beginner guides on guitar and started playing some chords. Erm, no idea why i am starting to like to play more instruments recently.
Developing the likes of acoustic guitar, bass guitar and drum. Thinking of learning one of these instrument and gather pple to form a band. Had this thinking - if not now as a teenager, i may not have the chance to do it after 10 years. Main interest now is on drums (:
Anyone have the same thinking as me of learning a new instrument or forming a band in the near future? :D
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