Racing against time

Looking things at different perspectives, gives different thinkings and solutions.
I have 2 reports to do currently for my attachment. One is summary report, where i will sum up all the things i have learnt and another report is on the personal selling.
Not really started on it yet. I am worrying. Just a feeling of fear and worried that i may not be able to hand it on time. Don't really like this feeling of last minute work cos i don't feel 100% safe in this situation.
Let me plan when i can get this done asap...
Tomorrow morning - Personal selling report
Monday morning - Summary report
Monday night - Summary report
Tuesday night - Finalised
Wednesday - Print
Thursday - Submission
Okay. Thinking of attachment, it just makes me feel worried on the mystery shopping report that we are working on. We are left with 3 days - tues, wed, thurs to get it done. At the same time, we are working on another report which needs some touch up before finalising it. One more thing is that we still have to do a presentation on friday on the things we have learnt as a team, which means ppt slides has to be done.
Racing against time, jia you (:
Not really started on it yet. I am worrying. Just a feeling of fear and worried that i may not be able to hand it on time. Don't really like this feeling of last minute work cos i don't feel 100% safe in this situation.
Let me plan when i can get this done asap...
Tomorrow morning - Personal selling report
Monday morning - Summary report
Monday night - Summary report
Tuesday night - Finalised
Wednesday - Print
Thursday - Submission
Okay. Thinking of attachment, it just makes me feel worried on the mystery shopping report that we are working on. We are left with 3 days - tues, wed, thurs to get it done. At the same time, we are working on another report which needs some touch up before finalising it. One more thing is that we still have to do a presentation on friday on the things we have learnt as a team, which means ppt slides has to be done.
Racing against time, jia you (:
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