It meant alot.

When i saw you, i have so many things that i want to say, yet i became speechless.
My schedules are pretty bombarded with school attachment, thought that being located at giordano shop for half shift attachment is a good thing. But it is the worst MSC stopover in terms of time consuming. When it is half shift, it is supposed to be half day. But.. It has been taking up more than that.
For the last whole week, we were doing full shift from 9 to 5.30 with external trainings and trainings when we are supposed to be working like 9 to 1.30 only. Furthermore, for the past 2 days, the school put us to external giordano outlet and they say its only half day there, but their half day is 7.5 hours. oh my..
I really have no idea what does this got to do with my course and specialisation. I am in Human Resource and not Customer Service. Train to become a retail assistant at giordano? Like as if we never did any part time job before. Somemore, this is totally free labour and it affects my grade. So i got to perform.. The reason i took business is to specialise in Entrepreneurship but sadly my school doesnt provide it. Sigh.. and now is getting further from what i want.
About my attachment at previous stopover at BSC, we are supposed to hand over and give everything to the next batch 2 weeks back and we did. But till now, i am still called back everyday to help out on client project and it affects my performance at giordano. Its just so annoying that even i get a good grade at BSC, i think my grade at giordano will be affected. Moreover, imagine getting calls from my BSC supervisor for the past 2 days in the early morning when i am able to sleep till 11am then go for giordano attachment training.
I have so many things to procrastinate, which i know is wrong. Yea, i can say that from another perspective, it is good that I am learning something new and it trains up my discipline. But i think everything should have a limit. They should at least set the expectation before we started on this attachment thing. Let us know that we may be called back even if we hand over, let us know that half shift attachment is never a half day thing, we will be sent for trainings and it will take the whole day just like full shift attachment. I didnt see all these coming and thats why i am annoyed now. What i thought was, okay.. u got only 9 weeks to perform at 2 stopovers each. In these 9 weeks, u make it or break it. After that, the end. But now i am like having 2 stopovers together. This is the 11th week of BSC and the 2nd week of giordano. Sometimes i even have to do extra at home.
Okay, thats all, if i say too much, i will sound like a bitch.
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