
Nicole : I never two time sweetie, i am a devoted guy =X

Waterbottle : I didnt, jie.

Desseh : Thank you, never hear from you for quite some time, how are you doing?

Yi mei : Don't have time to say, but u all know already (:

REEN : Definitely i will, thank you, you too (:

Nicole : Nic, i didnt lie, just that haven say only. Dun accuse such a pure and innocent guy like me :b

Shuyu : Thank you Shuyu, PSPS, just got back tgt, no time to tell you all =X

Yimei : I never emo for that week, u all never suspect one lo.

Desmond : Aw, lucky you, thank you, help me keep a lookout (:

Nicole : I am home already nic, i know u still emo about that half a minute thing, sorry was busy with the stuffs at chalet :(

Waterbottle : lmao, i am home, * wave! *

Sihui : Thank you Si hui, best wishes to you, look more onto the positive side (:

iRiS : I dun lag, its time to change ur laptop iris, wahaha, hi-5 to chalet success! XD

Yimei : I want to be taller! 185cm!

Nicole : Aww, we just met a few hours ago, but oh well, i miss you too (:


Apologise for all the late replies~


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