I vowed not to turn back.

Study Study Study,
Its all about Study.

I am getting crazy.
And i started with the 2 subjects that i am the weakest at,
accounting and macro revision.

By right should start on marketing and stats
which i am more confident with,
but oh well, i am doing fine.

Went habbo to take a little stroll inside,
to get a little break off from study,
its so fun to treat some of the habbos as playing equipment.
Me and Ina dressed in orange to go around bai nian,
and all started saying "couple couple couple",
Its really cute, when some of them crack some jokes of our this fake couple. lmao.

Anyway, i am quitting habbo soon,
selling away credits, $0.15 each,
Have around 2k credits for sale.
Any takers?
If interested, pls leave a tag.


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