Exam time.

Yay! This day has arrived.
ExamExamExamExam! my dear 4 exams.
Starting from tml till friday, with a rest on wed.

I felt pressurised.
perhaps i am not the only one,
some of my mates do too, and its great to share the stress feelings with my friends, some of my np friends will only be starting their exams after mine ends, though they have more days to prepare, but they end later. wakakkaa.

My mind all set into macro, accounts, marketing and stats terms for the next 5 days.
And something that is really bothering me,
I dun feel as confident as i felt last sem,
I feel unprepared, i dunno why,
though i have been revising with clear concious.

But as usual, i am looking for full marks for all 4 papers as possible,
I always aim that, but has never scored full marks before,
however, i am still in a positive mindset to have 4 As.

Oh well,
next 5 days gonna be tough,
lets all work hard tgt mates,
get the gpa we want,

6 months of lectures and tutorials,
just for these 4 days,
i am gonna work hard for my 3.6!

Woohoo!~ its study time!


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