I am back!
I am back from chalet after 3 days 2 night,
I miss my sweetie badly.
And i am going to start blogging what happened from 23nd feb till today, 25th feb.
Chalet - 23 feb to 25 feb.
BL Chalet Chalet & Chalet.
I will just simply describe and let the pictures do most of the talking.
Overall it was a success and an enjoyable one, more fun, more people, more excitement and of cos all these comes with more planning and jokers. More than half of the class people came, with a total number of 16.
A pity is that, it was pouring for both afternoons, and we couldnt do some of the stuffs as planned. But we still had fun of course (:
On the first day, we have me, adison, iris, lance, darren, heather, hui zin and teck hua. The first thing we did after we check in and settled down, we called up the buffet catering for the 2nd night party and i was known as "Mr Yoong". XD. Next, we went to cycle around though it was raining, we got dirty and drenched, for dinner, we went to teck's recommended fishhead steamboat kopitiam, it was really nice, and of cos it was mahjong at night!
On the second day, its the main highlight of this chalet, we spent some time in the afternoon playing mahjong again, also on decorating and planning the party at night. Evening arrived and people are coming in, with shina, carissa, wei jun, jia feng, janice, charmaine, samantha and hajjar. After eating, we started off the games with finding light sticks, Q & A, Balloons hit-and-run, bidding for gifts. All these fun ended at around 9.30pm. I hope everyone who came enjoyed it (:
Now let the pictures do the talking! :

This is the first time we bond & have fun together as a class. Also, i guess this is the last time we have a BL class gathering together. It was really fun, thank you all (:
After chalet,
i took cab back home and take a shower,
and off i go to look for my sweetie,
we went kfc to have lunch first,
then mac to study,
but so qiao la,
saw 3 people i know - ronn, nabil, si en.
While she study, i was sleeping, cos i never bring anything to do. So sweetie came over to my house to continue study, while my mum and sis are at home too. wahahaha.
Sweet Sweet Love(:
A love that i only have in this lifetime,
You asked me before why i am not sick of waiting,
the reason is simply because i love you.
It was worth waiting though it wasn’t easy at all,
To be honest, I cried almost every night.
Feeling terrible whenever i start thinking that how someone i love so deeply and hurt her with so much pain with my stupidity and immaturity. Eventually that turned into a conversation that we dun have much to say to each other.
I wanted to make up for those hurt i have done, but i was rejected multiple times,
still i am happy to stay beside you as a friend, trying to stay close with you without giving u a mindset that i am trying to please you and find me a nuisance. This wasn’t easy, but i am glad i managed to pull through.
On valentines day, i was given a chance, a chance in my life, that i am able to spend it with you. Though it was just a study date, but i was really happy on that day. Really happy, really.
But on that day, i was also told to move on. Though i was upset, but i still put on a smile. Knowing that it maybe the last time i have the opportunity to go out with you, a smile with my heart was crying inside.
Miracles dun usually happen in this such situation, but when it do happen, we have to grab hold of the chance. 22/2/09, my life came back with full of colours, a new start, we may have know each other well in our heart for some time, but i know we still have many things to find out about each other, many things to tell each other and many wonderful things waiting ahead of us to do together. Let our story begin on a new chapter and a never ending one.
I love you Nicole. 6 letters in ur name, these 6 letters is what kept me moving in life.
Oh yea, i also took this IQ test fm the link that nic gave me, mine is 145, not bad.

Free-IQTest.net - Free I.Q. Test Online
I miss my sweetie badly.
And i am going to start blogging what happened from 23nd feb till today, 25th feb.
Chalet - 23 feb to 25 feb.
BL Chalet Chalet & Chalet.
I will just simply describe and let the pictures do most of the talking.
Overall it was a success and an enjoyable one, more fun, more people, more excitement and of cos all these comes with more planning and jokers. More than half of the class people came, with a total number of 16.
A pity is that, it was pouring for both afternoons, and we couldnt do some of the stuffs as planned. But we still had fun of course (:
On the first day, we have me, adison, iris, lance, darren, heather, hui zin and teck hua. The first thing we did after we check in and settled down, we called up the buffet catering for the 2nd night party and i was known as "Mr Yoong". XD. Next, we went to cycle around though it was raining, we got dirty and drenched, for dinner, we went to teck's recommended fishhead steamboat kopitiam, it was really nice, and of cos it was mahjong at night!
On the second day, its the main highlight of this chalet, we spent some time in the afternoon playing mahjong again, also on decorating and planning the party at night. Evening arrived and people are coming in, with shina, carissa, wei jun, jia feng, janice, charmaine, samantha and hajjar. After eating, we started off the games with finding light sticks, Q & A, Balloons hit-and-run, bidding for gifts. All these fun ended at around 9.30pm. I hope everyone who came enjoyed it (:
Now let the pictures do the talking! :
This is the first time we bond & have fun together as a class. Also, i guess this is the last time we have a BL class gathering together. It was really fun, thank you all (:
After chalet,
i took cab back home and take a shower,
and off i go to look for my sweetie,
we went kfc to have lunch first,
then mac to study,
but so qiao la,
saw 3 people i know - ronn, nabil, si en.
While she study, i was sleeping, cos i never bring anything to do. So sweetie came over to my house to continue study, while my mum and sis are at home too. wahahaha.
Sweet Sweet Love(:
A love that i only have in this lifetime,
You asked me before why i am not sick of waiting,
the reason is simply because i love you.
It was worth waiting though it wasn’t easy at all,
To be honest, I cried almost every night.
Feeling terrible whenever i start thinking that how someone i love so deeply and hurt her with so much pain with my stupidity and immaturity. Eventually that turned into a conversation that we dun have much to say to each other.
I wanted to make up for those hurt i have done, but i was rejected multiple times,
still i am happy to stay beside you as a friend, trying to stay close with you without giving u a mindset that i am trying to please you and find me a nuisance. This wasn’t easy, but i am glad i managed to pull through.
On valentines day, i was given a chance, a chance in my life, that i am able to spend it with you. Though it was just a study date, but i was really happy on that day. Really happy, really.
But on that day, i was also told to move on. Though i was upset, but i still put on a smile. Knowing that it maybe the last time i have the opportunity to go out with you, a smile with my heart was crying inside.
Miracles dun usually happen in this such situation, but when it do happen, we have to grab hold of the chance. 22/2/09, my life came back with full of colours, a new start, we may have know each other well in our heart for some time, but i know we still have many things to find out about each other, many things to tell each other and many wonderful things waiting ahead of us to do together. Let our story begin on a new chapter and a never ending one.
I love you Nicole. 6 letters in ur name, these 6 letters is what kept me moving in life.
Oh yea, i also took this IQ test fm the link that nic gave me, mine is 145, not bad.
Free-IQTest.net - Free I.Q. Test Online
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