

Yo bloggie , i am back yo.
I am sick! Grr!!~
My public holiday and children day is destroyed by some retarded callers.
Who tell me they never receive the bill ever since they subscribe to the service for more than 3 years.
Somemore this cute old man only make payment once every 4 months and yet he still complain that every time he make payment , he is paying $200 plus when his monthly subscription is $100 plus. Come on la , monthly bills are to be paid monthly. or else we send u monthly bill for wad.
And this cute old man again dunno that call centre and cable billing department is the same.
and accused me for bluffing him for the department. -_-"
I challenged him and started to shout at him.

Nasty customers , have to use nasty comments , or else they will think that we are pushovers.

But anw , thanks to him , i became hyper up and dun feel that sick anymore. LOL.

Oh well , tml off day!
Going out to meet bf yo.
Plans are made ,
Tomorrow is a mystery! XDD


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