Two is better than one.

Going away for 4 months, really long.
There is a doubt, just a little doubt on whether i can cope on my own, taking care of myself. It has always been my parents taking good care of me, relying on them pretty much and in 9 days time, its all on my own. I havent leave home for that long yet, i guess the longest was 10 days away from home, when i was off to a germany trip during secondary school times. I left 2 weeks for taiwan trip, but i still had guardians and my younger sister with me. Alright, its time to grow up and take charge of life. Face things and stop running away. Gonna be brave!
I shall start planning on what i am gonna do at there, travel which places in korea. When i come back, i have some sketch in my head - while waiting for enlistment, i shall work hard to earn some good money. Jobs? Not sure yet, continue universal studio and esplanade? or try out Relief teacher? Also at the same time, it will be good for me to learn an instrument, either continue with my keyboard or start with a go as you can play - guitar. And also continuing the little entrepreneur heart i have inside me - YC coming soon.
I guess that feels more like life rather than worrying about academic everyday, life is not just about academic. School is not all about academic, but to have fun while learning. Many dont realise that, it get so heat up at times that we start hurting each other unknowingly, just to protect ourselves, but all we wanted is to give ourselves the best isnt it.
Going away for 4 months, really long.
There is a doubt, just a little doubt on whether i can cope on my own, taking care of myself. It has always been my parents taking good care of me, relying on them pretty much and in 9 days time, its all on my own. I havent leave home for that long yet, i guess the longest was 10 days away from home, when i was off to a germany trip during secondary school times. I left 2 weeks for taiwan trip, but i still had guardians and my younger sister with me. Alright, its time to grow up and take charge of life. Face things and stop running away. Gonna be brave!
I shall start planning on what i am gonna do at there, travel which places in korea. When i come back, i have some sketch in my head - while waiting for enlistment, i shall work hard to earn some good money. Jobs? Not sure yet, continue universal studio and esplanade? or try out Relief teacher? Also at the same time, it will be good for me to learn an instrument, either continue with my keyboard or start with a go as you can play - guitar. And also continuing the little entrepreneur heart i have inside me - YC coming soon.
I guess that feels more like life rather than worrying about academic everyday, life is not just about academic. School is not all about academic, but to have fun while learning. Many dont realise that, it get so heat up at times that we start hurting each other unknowingly, just to protect ourselves, but all we wanted is to give ourselves the best isnt it.
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