Bye 17. Lets go 18.

Constantly looking for knowledge.
Everyday is a different lesson learnt.

Just turned 18, four days ago.
Glad to be and wishes everyday is.

1) Thank you Shina, Jiayi, Priya and Hong wei for celebrating with me at Shangri-La. Thanks for the little surprise for me (:

2) Thank you Jing Han for decorating such a nice customized birthday card and a cake for me. That is the best present.

3) Thank you everyone who wished me too (:

17 years have passed. I looked back on the last day of my 17 on 24th nov, walking down the streets and asked myself, "how much have i achieved? What i did right and wrong?" I find myself doing the wrong things even though i know it is not appropriate to. So.. my theme for 18's year is to move forward, think less and do what is right.


These 4 days, i have been engaging myself on work at IT Fair Sitex show @ Expo. The crowd is not as many as compared to those hosted at suntec convention centre, but the tiredness is still there. These 4 days, it was all work and sleep, work and sleep, work and.... However, despite my tiring legs, these 4 days was another fruitful time of my life. Other than work and sleep, i have actually spent some time thinking what i really want in my life after just turning 18. I feel that i need a path, i need a goal, I need to start to know what i really want.

Yes, i have found my answer. I think this is a 18th birthday gift from god, thank you. It actually got to do with a deal i made today. A blessed family with 3 daughters about the same age as me made me figured out the road that truly belongs to me. It has nothing got to do with the retail line or whatsoever. I shall keep this in my heart and work towards it.


Also, this will be the last post of my blog for now.
I think its time to move on to another level and get myself strongly committed in meaningful things. But i will still browse through my archives as and when to look back on little alex.
I will be back again on 25th Nov 2010.

It all started with Little Alex when he was 5..

The fact that most pictures taken during 5 yr old to 12 are in hard copy, so this was how its started from 12.

12 Year old - 2003/2004

P6 class - 6H

13 Year old - 2004/2005

14 year old - 2005/2006

China exchange with ah kiat!

Exchange programme - China vs SG

15 year old - 2006/2007

Class 3E2

w/Jing Han in KL!

Band Exchange programme in KL

Band concert with nic! (:

Found this, it was really cute.

P.S: Nicole, arent u surprised that i still keep this. haha.

16 year old - 2007/2008

Germany & Poland history trip

Class 4e2

Prom night

4e2 gathering

Whatevers - HabboSoup

BL chalet - sept

The thress musketeers. Weijun and Marcus!

Swensen study, haha. Iris and heather!

We took this at 3am on the road. I swear its in the middle of the road.

Starhub mates!

Shuyu and yimei!


17 Year old - 2008/2009

Whatever - New year countdown

BL Chalet - March

Orientation Group Leader - BA

Kiat's 18. Thats zhiwei and kiat.

Coaching for Adam Khoo Senior Camp. Thats Team 11 (:


LYCANS! SBM leadership camp!


SLAY once again (:


TEP - Giordano!

Team NYP Squash


Alex's 18 Journey starts @ Shangrila with G-Force!
Thanks Priya, Hongwei, Shina and Jiayi!

Whatever happens, keep on moving.
Tomorrow will always be a better day


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