Bye 10k, bye hollywood.

When i think of my future,
There are too many things i want to fufill that I could'nt decide on one.
And thats why, i am still on a road to nowhere.

It feels weird today to have all the important calls coming together on the same day. Its just so nice, i didnt went to school, stayed home to recover my sickness.

1) IT fair in charge called me, say i am confirm working this time. As usual, for lenovo.

2) Resort world themepark personnel called me to go down for interview this saturday to join them as a themepark crew.

3) The most important one came, KFC contest organiser called me and confirmed me a place for this contest. And i cant believe it, omg. I rejected it. I dont know what was the reason that i rejected it. My mind was in a whirl when i heard i got a slot there. But what i will be missing, i guess maybe alot. I will be missing 2 days of school, friday and monday. I will miss 3 tests. I will miss the job interview and even an opportunity to work there. But there is a devil that is telling me if i win the prize. Woohoo, i will miss hollywood and the 10k. Lol. Whatever it is, i have rejected it. End of story. End of dreaming.

Back to reality.


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