So long never blog le..
And nothing to do..
So.. Blog Blog Blog!~

Dunno why..
Nowadays.. went back to play WWE cards again..
I played that since i was pri 5 and played till sec 1.
So long never touched le..
Then now suddenly touch again...
Abit weird lo..
But still enjoy playing it XDD.

School are boring...
And finally..
I was late for the first time in these 4 years today!~
Oh man... So sad... Cannot keep record liao..

21 more days to 'O' levels..
And yet..
I am still playing habbo these few days..
So slack..

Okay lo..
Waiting for chalet result on this coming wednesday..
Hope will be chosen ba..

Okay.. nothing more to blog le..
Gonna go study le..

You will always be in my heart.
I Love you.


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