I am so dead now..
Feeling sick..
Sian 1/2. Feeling sick at this period???
Its O levels!~ And i am like half dead?
Oh my..
Hope that i will recover tomorrow ba..
Or else.. i think ho seh liao..

It will be the first humanities exam tml..
And its history..
I hope the topics that i studied will come out for both SBQ and SEQ.
Hoping for the best.
Hitler? Chamberlain? Lenin? Stalin? Gorbachev? Sun yat sen? Mao Zedong?
Oh my..
This pple are giving me headache...
But still.. have to memorise in order to do well.
Gonna go study somemore le..
All the best to others who are taking History tml!~

I am willing to sacrifice anything just for you.
As day by day pass by , we are separated further and further apart.
Perhaps u have forgotten me and also our past.
But , i hasnt.
You will always have a place in my heart , Nicole.

Because of my stupidity , i lost someone that is very important to me.


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